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Rainy season means more frequent indoor cleaning!

Well its officially here!  Two solid days of powerful afternoon showers!  Anyone else get pelted by hail a few days ago?  Wow!  All this moist weather going around means some extra dampness around the house.

And more indoor time combined with more dampness is a perfect recipe for higher levels of mold - even some you can't even see!

Here is a great link to some information on indoor molds and allergies:


According to their information, there are some molds that are known to cause allergies:

Which Molds are Known to Cause Allergies?

There are thousands of types of mold, however, only a few of these are currently available for allergy testing. The following are the most likely causes of allergic disease based on the types of mold spores collected in the air:

  • Alternaria. A common outdoor mold; allergy to this mold can be associated with severe asthma.
  • Cladosporium. The most common airborne outdoor mold.
  • Aspergillus. A common indoor and outdoor mold; also associated with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
  • Penicillium. A common indoor mold; allergy to which is not associated with antibiotic allergy.
  • Helminthosporum. More commonly found in warmer climates.
  • Epicoccum. Found in grassland and agricultural areas.
  • Fusarium. Commonly found on rotting plants.
  • Aureobasidium. Common outdoor mold, commonly found on paper, lumber, and painted surfaces.
  • Phoma. An outdoor mold, especially common during wet periods.
  • Smuts. Found in areas of agriculture.
  • Rhizopus and Mucor. Commonly found on decaying leaves and damp indoor areas. Airborne forms of these molds are less common.
  • Yeasts. Commonly found in the air during wet periods in agricultural areas. Allergic disease to Candida albicans is controversial, despite some people having positive allergy testing to this type of mold.


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